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Peer reviewed publications


Von Takach, B., Cameron, S.F., Cremona, T., Eldridge, M.D., Fisher, D.O., Hohnen, R., Jolly, C.J., Kelly, E., Phillips, B.L., Radford, I.J. and Rick, K., 2024. Conservation prioritisation of genomic diversity to inform management of a declining mammal species. Biological Conservation, 291, doi 10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110467




Hohnen R., James A.I., Jennings P., Murphy B.P., Berris K., Legge S.M., Dickman C.R., Woinarski J.C.Z., (2023) Abundance and detection of feral cats decreases following high severity fire on Kangaroo Island Australia, Austral Ecology, 48(3), doi 10.1111/aec.13294


Ensbey, M., Legge S., Jolly C.J., Garnett S.T., Gallagher R.V., Lintermans M., Nimmo et al. D.G. et al., (2023) “Animal population decline and recovery after severe fire: Relating ecological and life history traits with expert estimates of population impacts from the Australian 2019-20 megafires.” Biological Conservation, 283, doi 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110021




Hohnen R., Smith J., Mulvaney J., Evans T., Mooney T., (2022) Impacts of ‘Curiosity’ baiting on feral cat populations in woodland of Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Wildlife Research, 49(7) doi 10.1071/WR21090


Legge S., Rumpff L., Woinarski J.C.Z., Whiterod N.S, Ward M, Southwell D.G., Scheele B.C, Nimmo D.G., Lintermans M., Geyle H.M., Garnett S.T, Hayward-Brown B., Ensbey M., Ehmke G., Ahyong S.T., Blackmore C.J., Bower D.S., Brizuela-Torres D., Burbidge A. H., Burns P.A. , Butler G., Catullo R., Chapple D.G., Dickman C.R, Doyle K.E., Ferris J., Fisher D., Gallagher R., Gillespie G.R., Greenlees M.J., Hohnen R., et al., (2022) The conservation impacts of ecological disturbance: Time bound estimates of population loss and recovery for fauna affected by the 2019–2020 Australian megafires, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(10), doi 10.1111/geb.13473


Von Takach B, Ranjard L, Burridge P.C., Cameron S.F., Cremona T., Eldridge M.D.B., Fisher D.O., Hohnen R., et al., (2022) Population genomics of a predatory mammal reveals patterns of decline and impacts of exposure to toxic toads. Molecular Ecology, 31(21), doi 10.1111/mec.16680




Hohnen R., Murphy B., Legge S., Dickman C., Woinarski J., (2021) Environmental factors influencing the distirbution of the Kangaroo Island dunnart (Sminthposis fuliginosus aitkeni), Australian Mammalogy, 44(1), doi 10.1071/AM19036




Hohnen R., Berris, K., Hodgens, P., Mulvaney J., Florence, B., Murphy, B., Legge S., Dickman C., Woinarski J., (2020) Pre-eradication assessment of feral cat density across Kangaroo Island, Wildlife Research, 47(8), doi 10.1071/WR19137




Hohnen R., Murphy B., Gates J., Legge S., Dickman C., Woinarski J., (2019) Detecting and protecting the Kangaroo Island dunnart (Sminthopsis fuligosus aitkeni), Conservation Science and Practice, 1(1), doi 10.1002/csp2.4


Hohnen R., Murphy B., Legge S., Dickman C., Woinarski J., (2019) Uptake of “Eradicat” feral cat baits by non-target species on Kangaroo Island, Wildlife Research, 47(8), doi 10.1071/WR19056




Legge S., Murphy P.B., McGregor H. W., Woinarski J.C.Z., Augusteyn J., Ballard G., Baseler M., Buckmaster T., Dickman C.R., Doherty T., Hohnen R., et al., (2017). Enumerating a continental-scale threat: how many feral cats are in Australia?, Biological Conservation, 206, doi 10.1016/j. biocon.2016.11.032




Hohnen R., Tuft K., Legge S., Carver S., Johanson L., Walters N., Radford I.J., Johnson C.N., (2016) The significance of topographic complexity in habitat selection and persistence of a declining marsupial in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, Australian Journal of Zoology 64(3), doi 10.1071/ZO16015


Hohnen R., Tuft K., McGregor H.W., Legge S., Radford I.J., Johnson C., (2016) Occupancy of the invasive feral cat varies with habitat complexity, Plos One, 11(9), doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0152520


Hohnen R., Tuft K., Legge S., Hillyer M., Spencer P.B.S., Radford I.J., Johnson C.N., Burridge C.P., (2016). Rainfall and topography affect gene flow among populations of the declining northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus), Conservation Genetics 17(5), doi 10.1007/s10592-016-0856-z




Hohnen R., Tuft K., Legge S., Carver S., Radford I.J., Johnson C.N., (2015). Post-fire habitat use of the golden-backed tree-rat (Mesembriomys macrurus) in the north-west Kimberley, Western Australia, Austral Ecology, 40(8), doi 10.1111/aec.12278




Hohnen R., Ashby J., Tuft K., McGregor H.W., (2013) Individual identification of northern quolls (Dasyurus hallucatus) using remote cameras, Australian Mammalogy, 35(2), doi 10.1071/AM12015



Other writing

Legge S.M., Duncan D.H., Forsyth D.M., Giljohann K., Hogendoorn K, Hohnen R., Hradsky B., Lintermans M. (2023), How introduced animals compound the effects of fire on native plants and animals, Australia's Megafires: Biodiversity Impacts and Lessons from 2019-2020 (eds: Stephen van Leeuwen), CSIRO Publishing


Burbidge, A.A., Webb, M.J. and Hohnen, R., (2023). Scaly-tailed Possum: Wyulda squamicaudata. In Strahan's Mammals of Australia (pp. 278-280). New Holland Publishers (Australia).


Dickman, C.R. and Hohnen, R., (2023). Grey-bellied Dunnart: Sminthopsis fuliginosa. In Strahan's Mammals of Australia (pp. 132-134). New Holland Publishers (Australia).


Hohnen R. (2022) Golden-backed tree-rat: these rodents go nuts for nuts. Cosmos Magazine


Hohnen R. (2020) Fire-ravaged Kangaroo Island is teeming with feral cats. It’s bad news for this little marsupial. The Conversation


Hohnen, R., Woinarski, J., Legge, S., Dickman, C. R., & Murphy, B. (2021). Post-fire changes in feral cat density across burnt and unburnt landscapes, Kangaroo Island. Threatened Species Recovery Hub


Hohnen, R., Woinarski, J., Legge, S., Dickman, C. R., & Murphy, B. (2019). Investigating feral cat control methods for western Kangaroo Island, Threatened Species Recovery Hub


Hohnen, R., Woinarski, J., Legge, S., Gates, J.A, Dickman, C. R., & Murphy, B. (2019). The Kangaroo Island dunnart: distribution, status and effective monitoring methods, Threatened Species Recovery Hub


Hohnen, R., Veronique-L’Hoest A. (2019). The two of us, Vertical Life Magazine


Hohnen, R., (2018). Detecting and protecting the Kangaroo Island dunnart, Science of Saving Species Magazine, Threatened Species Recovery Hub


Hohnen, R., (2017). No te olvidaremos, Vertical Life Magazine


Hohnen, R., (2017). In search of the KI dunnart, Island conservation after the feral cat, Science of Saving Species Magazine, Threatened Species Recovery Hub


Hohnen, R., (2013). Unlocking the secrets of the Artesian Range, Wildlife Matters, Australian Wildlife Conservancy


Hohnen, R., Edwards, A., (2009). Poster: Effects of reproductive condition on HPG-HPA axis interaction, Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry Conference, Melbourne, Australia

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